Homework My favourite sport

Expansion Homework: My favourite sport

Are you interested on improve your final mark? Do you practice any different sport as the sports practised at the school? (and no football, of course) Yes? Here you have a great opportunity to introduce your favourite sport!

You have to do a Power Point, Prezi, Camtasia or Movie Maker presentation (at the end of this document you have a link with tutorials). The topic is the My favourite sport with the next ítems:

  1. PORTADA/PRESENTACIÓN; in English: COVER: Centro escolar, asignatura, profesor, curso y nombre y apellidos del alumno (High School or Secondary School, Subject, Teacher, Academic year, and Pupil´s Name and Surname),
  3. The history of that sport.
  4. How to play that sport (explain the game or sport, explain the techniques more important and the basic tactic).
  5. Rules (the current ones, the most important, no copy and paste, please: what can we do, what can´t, how to handle the implements if that sport has it, when is fault, how to score…).
  6. How to warm up that sport (after a general warm up, explain a specific one for that sport).
  7. Cuestionario de 10 preguntas tipo test con sus respuestas sobre todo el contenido del trabajo (muy útil para que el examen te resulte más fácil); in English: Quiz.
  8. Reportaje fotográfico sobre el tema: donde puedes incluir fotografías y dibujos sobre cualquier aspecto del trabajo. Cada foto debe llevar un breve comentario alusivo a lo que allí se ve. Si es posible, debido a que la presentación sea interactiva, que haya fragmentos de vídeos.
  9. Referencias o Fuentes de información consultadas (utilizar Reglas Vancouver o Reglas APA 6ª –aquí podéis ver como referenciar una página web con APA 6ª-); si es una página web, al menos tiene que aparecer el nombre del sitio web, el nombre del artículo y el link, enlace, dirección o url); in English: References, Bibliographie or Webgraphie.

*Warning: As you know, you have to attach / send the homework in the Virtual Classroom in the homework area. After some days, it will be corrected or checked so you have to check your mark and the feedback.

* You will get less mark if you do not attach the homework with your name, year and group and topic or title.

* Deadline 15th May, you could send it before, but later could be punished with the mark, even, you could do another one if you want pass the subject.